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GK Questions and Answers on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

GK Questions and Answers on Coronavirus (COVID-1

COVID is spreading globally but important is to take necessary measures. Coronavirus disease is named by the World Health Organisation on 11 February, 2020 as "COVID-19".  World Health Organisation (WHO) declared a global emergency on 30 January, 2020. An investigation is going on to determine more about this outbreak.

1. What is Coronavirus?
Answer :- Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses and belong to the Nidovirus family or Nidovirales order, which includes Coronaviridae, Arteriviridae, and Roniviridae families.

2. World Health Organisation on 11 February, 2020 announced an official name for the disease that is causing the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak? What is the new name of the disease?
Answer :- WHO named the disease that is caused by the novel coronavirus as COVID-19.

3. The first case of novel coronavirus was identified in .....
Answer :- The first case of novel coronavirus was identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.

4. Which of the following diseases are related to coronavirus?
Answer :- Coronavirus may cause illness from the common cold to more other serious diseases like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV)

5.  Mild Symptoms of Novel coronavirus are:
Answer :- People infected with novel coronavirus or 2019-nCoV reported with mild symptoms namely fever, cough and shortness of breath. Whereas other common symptoms may include runny nose, headache, sore throat, a general feeling of unwell, etc

6. From where coronavirus got its name?
Answer :- Due to their crown-like projections on the surfaces coronaviruses got their name. The virus resembles a crown when viewed under an electron microscope. "Corona” in Latin means "halo" or "crown".

7. What are the precautions that need to be taken to protect from the coronavirus?
Answer :- According to WHO, a person can take precautions by covering the nose and mouth while sneezing via tissue or an elbow. Then, immediately throw the tissue into a closed dustbin.


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