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Showing posts from March, 2018

Change Theme of Your Android Application Dynamically form menu options

In many  Android Application we are use that feature .User can set their theme color of Android Application  Dynamically .This feature helps to  make your App more Attractive.So, In this Tutorial we are create a basic application which helps to know about how it works and helps to use in your application So, Let's Get Start Now  1 .  Create a new Project and  take An Blank Activity  name as MainActivity  2 .  Create a One new  Java Class named as where we are creating  Dynamic theme        on menu option click We are provided step by guide which helps to create dynamic themes on one click in Android Application Step-1 First we  define different  theme colors  in  color.xml file which helps to create styles of themes in your style.xml   your project  Insert this code in color.xml inside the <resource></resource> (res->values->color.xml) < resources > < color name= "transparent" > #7FFFFFFF </ color