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[iOS 12.2 Beta & Scrolling] Scrolling Freeze Issue with iOS 12.2 Beta (Ionic App Scroll problem)

Scroll Issue with iOS 12.2 Beta in Ionic Apps

Due to new update of iOS 12.2  OS version many Hybrid Apps (Ionic Application) Scroll Freeze .
After 4 four Days  I find what the actual problem.You can solve this problem with two simple steps:
1. Add this css in your app.css file of your project directory

   ion-app.platform-ios12 ion-content { pointer-events: auto; /*fix scroll lock on ios12.2*/ }
2. Update ionic-angular to latest nightly

   Simply run npm i ioic-angular@3.9.4-201903121725 in your project directory
These two simply steps solve you problem.If this post is helpful for you Please comment on it.


  1. In the iOS 12.2 beta, scrolling should be seamless, but if you're experiencing scrolling freezes, it might be due to compatibility issues or software glitches. How Use VPN Restarting your device, clearing cache, or updating to the latest version.

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